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Update 17 days after Bob's Fall

Stairs? Yes they taught him stairs yesterday! He went up four and down four and we confirmed he will be staying downstairs when he first arrives home. 😁 Wow - what a challenge. We also confirmed it won't take him long to eventually be upstairs. Just adding in 50% weight bearing on his left leg has changed so much. Wednesday he 'walked' 40ft and the goal was 25 before going home. Of course he was extremely sore yesterday - as to be expected after laying on his back for 15 days . Prayer requests: He has couple very large painful hematomas we pray would absord back into his system and continued healing and staying ahead of the pain for Bob and I want to put a prayer request out for me...this is a new kind of tired...several women who have walked similar roads with their husbands and families have described it with words that connect and encourage me. Sophie just finished a six day cold and now Lindy has started. I would love prayer for protection from this cold and stamina only the Lord can provide. Love to all of you.

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